Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Excellent analysis, as usual. :)

Continued support for him by millions of Americans is sad and infuriating. This part of our population is an awful reflection of our nation.

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agreed. an uneducated population can't sustain a democracy. you can bet the oligarchs and GOP are well aware of that fact as they further defund public education.

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Also sad and also awful is the fact that -- as Kamala demonstrated -- their lies are readily pierced. Had the media, for the past five decades, pressed these liars for direct answers the GOP matchstick palace would have quickly fallen. Instead it reached Trump Tower™ heights.

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

I like reading your posts. You're not just smarter than me...you're waay smarter.

And they're free! Thanks.

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my goal is to always keep them free. I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it as my pathetic, small time contribution to a country I deeply love.

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

That’s very honorable! ‼️

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thanks. it's what I can do at this point in my life. we'll see what happens after November...

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I try to not think too much about after November! Hopefully the orange narcissist will be drubbed & leave for Moscow! 😡

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Yes. But, as with the election, he also has accomplices in the media who are actively spinning the story.

He could not do it alone.

We'd like to document how and why the narrative evolves, if we have the capacity to do so.

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I'd love to see it. thanks!

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

How many more years do we have to hear from or read about this cry baby? How much more money is being wasted on defending democracy from him and his followers? Put him in jail, and then down the road release him to a country that is managed by one of his buddy dictator's, with the stipulation he can never step foot on United States of America soil again. Take his money away to repay the USA citizens for all the lawyers, etc. that we have had to defend ourselves from this crazy loser!

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Well, if he loses this election -- and his subsequent effort to subvert it is rebuffed -- he is presumably done and likely jailed.

The problem is that there are others, not least JD Vance, who will aim to take the mantle of MAGA aspiring dictator. They will be with us for the foreseeable future.

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💯. It’s been quite the enlightenment to realize that democracy is this fragile. I’m quite serious, the founding documents are like a religion to me, and now I’ve been shown all the holes and flaws. It’s shaken me to my core, and made me wonder about my life’s work in constitutional law, to realize it all boils down to politics and there’s really no such thing as precedent. I probably need therapy over it…

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LOVE that idea Jack!

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

When will people learn that Trump is a habitual liar? His media sycophants should be held accountable too!

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I AGREE! FOX News was found guilty of co-conspiring with STOP THE STEAL fraud.

No 'unindicted' for Murdoch and friends -- put them all in jail, after replacing "no-justice-Merrick', and watch RIGHTEOUSNESS reappear in America.

Lee Knohl

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We need a guardian from HIM.

I know just the person.

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ha! took me a second...

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

This, right here:

"That Harris effectively baited Trump throughout the 90 minutes, trigger after trigger, left few viewers wondering which candidate could checkmate the world’s authoritarians who would do harm to America. The other candidate demonstrated on live stream how easily he can be manipulated, angered, and triggered. No one should overlook the national security implications."

Also, the restack button is just two doors down from the like button..

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

"To be fair, Trump was up against a master..."

There is no reasonable reason to treat Sir fairly.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

every time someone makes fun of how he repeatedly calls himself sir makes snot fly out of my nose. I noticed that right off the bat in 2016 and he has not disappointed.

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

One scoop for you… Two Scoops for Sir!

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So. This is what the radical right is saying about the debate. This article was written by Sara Arnold from the Townhall conservative website started by The Heritage Foundation. My husband shared it with me and is getting sucked in to this stuff. I'm getting weary of fact checking everything he sends me! "After the obviously biased presidential debate, critics are slamming ABC News for doing most of Vice President Kamala Harris’ bidding.

During the 90-minute debate, the network’s moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, fact-checked former President Donald Trump every chance they got—but they did not do the same with Harris. In fact, they asked the VP softball questions and asked her “thoughts” on what Trump had to say after they riddled him up.

It was then revealed that Dana Walden, a senior Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC News, is “extraordinary friends” with Harris.

Conservative political commentator Megyn Kelly accused Walden of trying to “steal this election,” suggesting, “They’re openly working to sink [Trump].”

“They did Dana Walden’s bidding tonight,” Kelly claimed, saying she was disgusted by the network. “It was three against one on that debate stage.”

I’m ashamed of those moderators at ABC News. They did exactly what their bosses wanted them to do. The person who runs ABC News is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris, that is responsible for Kamala Harris and her husband meeting.

It was a mistake to trust ABC News with this debate. Those two moderators tried to sink Donald Trump tonight. They’re trying to steal this election. They’re openly working to sink him. It was so bad … Their bias against him and toward her, it’s going to backfire.

Walden has donated to Harris several times over the years and $20,000 to President Joe Biden’s campaign. She has also donated to California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi.

She has hosted fundraisers for the VP at her Los Angeles home, one of which she introduced Harris to her now-husband, Doug Emhoff.

Emhoff and Walden’s husband, Matt Walden, have reportedly known each other since the 1980s. Just last month, a Puck report described Walden as a “Hollywood winner” in Harris's rapid nomination as the Democratic nominee.

It is important to note that Harris refused to do a debate with Trump unless it was with one of her approved networks, putting ABC News at the top.

Trump previously criticized the relationship between Harris and Walden, accusing the network of being biased against him.

“I agreed to do [the debate] because they wouldn’t do any other network,” Trump said. ‘[Harris'] best friend is the head of the network.”

Former member of the Republican National Committee Richard Porter said all “ABC reporters are all Democrats rooting for Harris."

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they are shameless. apparently they forget that Rupert Murdoch, Fox's owner, owns half the republican party.

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Sep 13Liked by Sabrina Haake

Why is this so difficult for folks to understand? If Trump's mouth is open, he is lying. Period. It really is that simple. I have been following Trump since he was seventeen. He is the same now as he was then.

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Sep 13Liked by Sabrina Haake

And while I am at it, I might as well say this. Six members of the United States Supreme Court are irrevocably corrupt. We have a class-based justice system. If you are wealthy, there are a different set of rules for you. How many indictments is the idiot mouth under and he is still allowed to run for the Presidency? How can anyone with any intelligence or education condone this situation?

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

I saw an interview just before the debate with a woman -- a teacher no less -- who claimed that she had done thorough research on both candidates, but was still undecided. What????

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it's maddening. there's a dynamic at play, I saw a piece (sorry forget who wrote) that surmised it was fear. trump has succeeded in scaring half the country, and their fear drives their inability to decide. he knows exactly what he's doing. it's criminal.

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No surprise why I subscribed. Keep it up -- I LOVE IT!

Lee Knohl

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thank you Lee!

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Sep 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Sabrina, you are blessed with a still functioning brain. You are presented with a piece of information, and you have the ability to question it, to research it, to internally mull it over, and determine for yourself if that piece of information is factual.

Unfortunately about 48% of the voting public does not possess this ability. They are part of a cult. They take as 100% beyond question every utterance made by the cult leader. Even when presented with the truth (just one example: dogs and cats are not being eaten by Haitian immigrants [or anyone else, for that matter] in Springfield, Ohio), they cling steadfast to what they've been told.

These are not just ignorant people; these are DANGEROUS people, and Donnie Dementia plays them like a fiddle. This is not only something we need to keep in mind for the next 54 days, because even with a decisive Harris victory, they will believe the conspiracy stories spun by Trumpty-Dumpty and violence is a very real possibility. Of course, the orange fat-ass will be sitting on his own quite plump one down at Mar-A-Lago, letting others destroy their lives while never endangering his own.

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THE CULT point is in-target; psychologists are needed, to either SHAKE them out or WALK them out. When the GOP Senators go to jail for INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER because they have failed to do their job of passing AR-15 bans -- like EVERY OTHER GOVERNMENT'S LEGISLATORS -- and now we prosecute the mass shooter's parents because they have become the last one who could keep the AR-15 out of his hands.

Lee Knohl

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agreed. they should also do time for their climate destruction, but this partisan version of SCOTUS won't adjudicate according to law or precedent. people don't know how dangerous this period is... even if trump is defeated again, we still have a court that has decided they will make laws, not the legislature, and that they have more power than the executive. I honestly don't think anyone has the bandwidth to take them on aggressively, starting with court enlargement and an ethics code with teeth. Sheldon Whitehouse is on it, but he's just one senator...

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yes, but other than education, what can we do about them? the ignorant, like the poor, will always be among us (to misquote Jesus.). our only bet is to educate and uplift everyone to the extent we can.

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Well done commentary on the most unfit candidate for U.S. president of all time.

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Trump is the same old lying piece of shit he has always been.

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