May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

Spanked right out of their jobs

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That would be the most just result.

fingers crossed.

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

I have other recommendations, but they’re not likely legal!😁

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

To my California, along with New York, and other states that are solidly blue, you all have small pockets of deeply red areas. It’s now time to do your own “political gerrymandering” and divide and scatter those areas into the blue areas. You now have a green light from a corrupt scotus. DO IT!

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I agree. The subtext I tried to write here (not very successfully) was that the high court's disdain for the rule of law could backfire on them, since subjects and all members of the bar have gotten their memo that law is illusory

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

History is written by the victors, and the Libertarian Fascists are winning. They’re even rewriting history and banning books. So, Roberts figures he will eventually be seen as a hero…

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This letter to Roberts should be sent to him AND published (in a wider national platform) so your clear headed statements can be shared… widely. Thanks and so glad to have found your Substack!

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Thank you Margaret, I did send it to Roberts as well as the Senate Judiciary committee. I don't have national exposure, if you do, please feel free to share or post, with or without attribution; it's time for dems and moderates to take the gloves off. (My columns do appear in Chicago Tribune, Raw Story, OutSFL and a few others, but I wouldn't call it national reach.)

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If you can get away scot-free with an insurrection, why worry about the small stuff? Our Mad King Donald has been running his own parallel government since 2020, and gutless Meritless Garlic waited 2 yrs. to finally appoint Jack Smith to play catch-up, knowing full well that the 2024 election train-wreck would squelch its progress and tRump would shut it down once in office, again. Thank you for your passion and service!

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did Garland wait unnecessarily though? developing a case, gathering evidence, talking to witnesses takes time, and the select committee's work was proceeding on parallel tracks. I agree it should have been sooner, but I'm not convinced the wait was due to negligence.

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Thanks for the reply. Does anyone really deny the obvious mountain of evidence that Our Mad King Donald led the insurrection, or that he continues to administer a parallel/shadow government here in the USA? Really? Not long ago a very similar event occurred in another country (sorry, can't recall where) and the military marched in and arrested the perp, so that a thorough investigation could follow. The DOJ has been cautious to the point of outright cowardice in holding DJT responsible for leading the insurrection against our government, as he resides in his own Fla Whitehouse in luxury, supported by his "stand back and stand by" MAGA militia. I do not agree with your apology for Meritless Garlic and his cowardly inaction. Look where it has gotten us now.

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Fair enough.

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May 28Liked by Sabrina Haake

While I recognize that a case takes time to prepare, the J6 committee managed to present a compelling prosecution (with all Republican witnesses) in relatively short order. I believe their presentation is what ultimately spurred Garland into action -- albeit STILL 6 months later. IMHO, Garland's main goal was to see that partisanship was quelled in the Justice Department. In so doing, he lost sight of his ultimate responsibility: to ensure that the rule of law was safe-guarded. In that he failed miserably.

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In so doing, he assured the DOJ would be labeled partisan... Given that the GOP and trump accuse Biden and dems of weaponizing the justice system, I suggest we start weaponizing the justice system. That is certainly what trump has in mind, as he keeps projecting ad nauseam.

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Yep. And there you have it. The arc of justice bending toward authoritarianism.

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

Well said Sabrina.

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May 30Liked by Sabrina Haake

What a fantastic piece of work.

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May 28Liked by Sabrina Haake

Once again, giving eloquent voice to the thoughts of many of us. Thank you, Sabrina.

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May 25Liked by Sabrina Haake

Oh they wish….. maybe Ginny but Martha

Anne 🤭🤭🤭

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Need to call Stormy Daniels. I understand that she’s experienced at ‘spanking’ MAGA creeps. She uses a magazine!

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

Sabrina, you say it better than almost anyone I can think of. Thanks for sticking with it. You're needed here.

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Thank you Jon. I've been doing this a couple years, I'll def stick with it until November. If Trump wins, I'll be leaving the country and no lie.

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

You certainly wouldn't be alone. A trump coup would produce an exile of our most astute and wise voices. We're pushing and pulling with everything we have - I like our chances.

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Actually, I do too. Writing about it is an act of hope. Never ever did I dream we'd be facing down autocracy and a melting permafrost in my lifetime but here we are. I often wonder what it was like in Germany in the late 1930s, how people didn't act, blah blah blah but now I'm getting a better understanding. It creeps up, no one believes it will get as bad as it does, etc. Glad you're in this fight too Jon.

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May 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

I think about the same things...

It's so surreal to be living in what seems like a mirror of 1930's Europe.

Gradually, then suddenly..

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Excellent summary of the woefully jaded performance of the SCOTUS right wing judicial activists. I hope you dont mind but I'd like to copy a rhyme I wrote today regarding the same topic. If it is OK to do so, here it is.

The Failure of Roberts' Supreme Court?

A travesty of justice, merely "originalists' sophistic sport.


MAY 27, 2024

Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Thomas,

What a phalanx of strangulation they foist upon us.

With the backup of Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett,

They bow to Len Leo's will but just don't declare it.

How can SCOTUS fall so far from grace

How can each justice look one another in the face?

When they rule against the will of the majority of our nation

Putting "originalism" and evangelical dogma in conflation?

They defy the fundamentals of our Declaration of Independence.

And they do it with immunity, this glaring Constitutional offense.

We'd thought they might rise to their greater obligation,

To bring thoughtful, compassionate rulings to the nation.

But instead, we are witness to judicial social engineering,

Led by an unconstitutional special interest cabal's interfering,

In the sage and true fundamentals of judicial opinion.

It shall never be subject to religious dominion.

We are not, NOT a Christian nation.

We are born of resistance to religious dictation.

We are free to enjoy life, liberty, and happiness,

But all these Rights are now under judicial duress.

Chief Justice Roberts runs a kangaroo court,

Where Thomas and Alito are free to cavort,

To flaunt judicial decorum, taking gifts from super-wealthy

Rank influence-peddling that's no longer even stealthy.

But Roberts is too weak to deserve the mantle,

The cloak of Chief Justice is too hot for him to handle.

So, shame on Roberts and his kangaroo court

That permits the Right Wing phalanx its sport.

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love it!!

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Impeached. The sooner, the better. Both are so corrupt.

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