Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Haake

Yes on court reform, including an ethics code! Now!

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Very well said and researched! Thank you! Thomas and his anti-American, anarchist loving wife are a disgrace. The ONLY function/purpose of bump stocks is to spray bullets in rapid succession without any hope of actually aiming at anything or anyone. They serve on function: to spray bullets randomly on an assemblage of targets, without the need for aiming, as the Las Vegas suicidal madman did, and you properly referenced. We live in an anger/resentment filled nation/culture and the bump stock assisted gun is their perfect expression. All this anger turns off the thinking brain and triggers on "fight-flight" midbrain, aka "survival brain". We are a nation on the verge of civil war and many are addicted to anger/resentment and violence. I got tossed off of Mary Trump's substak page for making a similar post there. Many on the "left" cherish their rage against the "other" as much as those on the "right". All of this in a corporate mass media platform (s) saturated with hyper-violent "entertainment": "sports", videos/movies, "news", MSM, etc. What could go wrong? Everything?

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it seems odd that you would be taken off of Mary Trump’s Substack page for writing the same thing. Might’ve been a software glitch.

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Nah, I've just trying to tell everyone who'll listen to calm the hell down, so all of the emotional overload that manipulative sociopaths like her uncle depend on can be downregulated to let our higher intellectual but slower frontal lobes gain expression. We are rage addicted and so is Mary Trump. She just can't let go of her justified rage at her uncle for his treatment of her her and her dying alcoholic father, after her uncle screwed her out of her inheritance.

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Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Haake

Pretty sure the Founding Dads didn't have any Coke cans sitting around either.

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Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Haake

Excellent, Sabrina - so clear and concise. Even my father, a lifelong member of the NRA, is appalled by this ruling.

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kind of surprised to hear about your dad's NRA membership. but agreed, it's an outrage. it almost feels intentional.

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Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Haake

Holy Bejesus, how do we get RID of this guy? He's not even trying to appear impartial or honest in his whacky rulings.

How much is the NRA putting in his back pocket, along with all his other rich friends, to bend and twist the law until it's almost meaningless.

Supreme Court judges, I know, serve for life, but cannot they be fired/impeached/sent packing?

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

they can be impeached for cause, and I believe his $4 million ethical lapses are proper cause. The problem is we would need 2/3 of the senate votes and I can’t think of a single republican senator who will do the right thing.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Haake

There's also a reasonable chance that we can prove Clarence is already dead inside.

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ha! impeached for necrosis!

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Jun 24Liked by Sabrina Haake

This is a must read. Sabrina's comprehensive understanding of US law - along with her willingness and ability to share it in plain language - is a gift to us all.

Clarence Thomas clearly has a vision for America - a very unwell fantasy best illustrated by the shameful Death Wish movie series in which Charles Bronson (and recently, Bruce Willis) depict vigilante warfare as bringing order to wholly fabricated levels of urban (excuse me - "Black") crime.


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Jun 23Liked by Sabrina Haake

Reading your article evokes a visceral reaction in me at how SCOTUS has dictated (legislated) that our society must adhere to policies that are in direct contradiction to the will of the majority of Americans. It is unconscionable. If ever there was a political cycle that showed people how government “sausage is made”, it’s been this one. And right now, the wrong people are in the kitchen. And yes, the only way to change course is for all Americans, whether Republican or Democrat or Independent to vote for Biden and against Trump. We can sort out the particulars later.

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