Apr 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Thank you for this remarkable work. I will forward your piece to everyone and every group I know. You are correct in that if every young person voted it would certainly be a different world.

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Thank you Liz. I share the frustration of young people appalled at climate inaction, but then I think, wait a minute... your vote would take care of this! (not to mention ending citizens united, term limits for SCOTUS, student debt, fair taxing, gun regs, etc....)

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Amen, amen, AMEN! We've finally made more than a dent in the hearse that Big Oil drives, and it's a coterie of 70 year old women who've held the Fossilizers' Feet to the fire. Thank you so much for the heartening news on a very early Sunday morn in revisionist, recalcitrant, reactionary Naples, Florida.

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thank you Gerry. those plaintiffs deserve a standing ovation...

also, re Naples, I wrote it from blue bubble Oakland Park Florida!

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This is some reporting people will actually want to hear. Thanks Sabrina for always keeping things real, but also leaving room for the good in this world.

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deletedApr 12Liked by Sabrina Haake
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Here's a description of the youth case pending in Hawaii: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/hawaii-dot-must-face-kids-climate-lawsuit-judge-rules-2023-04-07/

Here’s a description of the government case vs private fossil fuel interests in Hawaii: https://climate.law.columbia.edu/news/march-2024-updates-climate-case-charts

Defendants in the LATTER case have a petition pending before the Supreme Court, which I did not make at all clear. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'll edit to clarify that there are (at least) two different cases pending.

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