Jun 29Liked by Sabrina Haake

Love your style Sabrina.

Right now, in this eternal moment of who's going to kill us all first, I have my lack of money on the Trump Supremacy Court. This antisocial supermajority is openly waging war on America - I can't simplify it any further. "Foundations of Reality for Dummies" I guess..

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Thanks Jon. One silver lining, at least potentially, is that if Trump gets in, their Chevron ruling will limit his authority. But he wouldn't be trying to regulate anti pollution, methane or carbon emissions to begin with, so it won't help save the planet. I hate to say it, but I can see this attack on climate science leading to violence. If they have no other hope, young people will get very, very aggressive to save their own lives. And they'll be justified.

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Thanks for the clarity on how the Chevron ruling.

As for the young people of America, they will absolutely use the blunt instrument of violence in order to protect their lives - as they should in a scenario where all other options have been exhausted. There is no crime in surviving. Yet.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Sabrina Haake

Well, Ms. Haake, you stole my thunder on this one as I was just in the final throes of writing a synopsis on these judicial thugs when I received your piece. Given that I could not possibly improve on such literary finery as you have presented, I would only add the court's decision to, essentially, criminalize homelessness (which is a huge problem in Los Angeles). And though, I am keenly aware of the eyesore, sanitation and other issues the encampments present they are a representation of the ugliness of U.S. society...and its supreme court. The City of Grant's Pass-v-Johnson decision suggests to cities that they may arrest their way out of a socioeconomic problem. What's worse, the court offered no remedy for neither the plight nor the blight. These are the cruelest bastards on Earth.

Lastly, I submit and proffer to you that, in an effort to assist Agent Orange (Donald Trump) the court will rule, early next week, that the president is immune from prosecution. And I bet that will have an intangible impact on the electorate given Joe Biden's recent dismal debate performance. They are, literally, piling on.

Great work.

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I smell a violent uprising, this time from the left. I'm horrified at this court, ashamed of all the years I've spent honoring the law. Absolute power has corrupted them absolutely. I believe a sea change is coming, regardless of who wins in 2024.

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Jun 29Liked by Sabrina Haake

"I smell a violent uprising."

And I, counselor, smell inevitable (and likely engineered for a plethora of reasons).

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inevitable indeed

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Jun 29Liked by Sabrina Haake

There is very little justice going on in American courts period. I leaned that hard lesson at the tender age of 11 when family court had me crush my mother's heart by enumerating on the witness stand, the specific reasons why I no longer wished to live under her roof but instead wanted to live under my dad's roof.

It's not about individual judges or lawyers and their often abysmal competency, it's about the entire system of jurisprudence itself. Everyone has biases - everyone - even myself. The difference is that I can acknowledge my own shortcomings whereas, these elites have zero incentive to check their own bias while on the job. Fact is, they are too insulated from the same society that they presume to judge that careful compassionate considerations are not anything that registers with them under the concept of impartiality.

They are insulated by high pay (usually six figures), and by social class. They don't understand the motivations behind certain crimes of passion or desperation. They often get it wrong when handing out sentencing. If the lower courts are this bad, should we expect any better from the highest court whose members are often picked from the lower courts?

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I'm sorry that happened to you at such a tender age. It would color anyone's perception of the justice system. But yes, I do expect higher intellect from Supreme Court justices than from lower courts; in this case, their partisan bias and criminal graft (Thomas, Alito) would support an extreme reaction, starting with impeachment for the crime of lying to Congress during their confirmation hearing (Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett suggested they would NOT disturb Roe v. Wade. What BS.)

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More recently in 2017, when my younger sister and I rescued our mom from an elder abuser she, in her Alzheimer's, had invited into her home. This lowlife has squandered her entire life savings from a 28-year career in public education, over $125,000, on his gambling addiction. The two of them were the best of hoarding buddies, hoarding stuff and sadly cats and dogs which ruined her fully paid for home.

We obtained power of attorney over mom's affairs through the probate court in Stark County, Ohio. And we did our own forensic audit of her finances. We compiled all of the evidence that the country prosecutor would need to put this scumbag away for good, and the asshole just sat on it all. He didn't even charge him with one single crime. And he committed quite a few.

Besides elder abuse, and grand larceny, he had taken the time to poison our mom against the two of us which in Ohio is a felony called "parental alienation", and her life's savings was too be our inheritance so he stole that from my sister and I too. He is free to victimize other northeastern Ohio families - and we're sure that he has been victimizing others too.

No, there is zero justice from our system of jurisprudence.

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Once this abuser knew that we were onto him and the high was up, he took our mom on the lam with him - for four months! For those 4 months we had no idea of Mom was still alive because she wouldn't talk to us. I had resigned to receiving a call from the Stark County Coroner's office informing me of her death. But then the Lawrence Township police officer who was assisting us had an idea to use the Massillon Police department's Facebook page to post a silver alert on mom and within one hour, she was on custody headed for an inpatient 10-day psych evaluation at Suma Health hospital of Akron.

Mom was returned to us thank God but that perp is free to victimize other families and that's not right. Mom is doing better in the memory care facility that her entire pension pays for now and though my little sister is here legal guardian, Mom is now a ward of the state of Ohio.

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Jun 29Liked by Sabrina Haake

The radical right wingers on SCOTUS are undermining our judicial system, right in front of our eyes!

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"...the bathtub. Yeah, The Bathtub! I think I found it! C'mon, let's get it ready! Let's fill it!" said Clarence excitedly.

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sorry to be so daft, but I don’t get the reference to bathtub

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"I'm not in favor of abolishing the government. I just want to shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." — Grover Norquist

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thank you

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Not the best possible comment, seems tenuous at best, in hindsight. But the thought of Clarence’s eyes lighting up, his glee in turning the tap. I was touched…

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