Jul 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Writing like this begs for a "super like" button - perhaps three concentric hearts.

To the point: Nobody is exclaiming "Fire!" any louder or more clearly than Sabrina Haake. There are definitely other writer's on-par, but the message isn't conveyed with any measurable increase in accuracy or urgency - Sabrina's work is as good as the very best. So please, please read and share her thoughtful and professional calls of distress. They are made on behalf of us all, dipshits and well-doers alike. We can't fix a problem unless we acknowledge it - no matter how repulsive it may be to look in the eye.

And of course, an excerpt from today's Haake Take:

"Just as the first Civil War was fought to protect slavery wealth, the MAGA confederacy is protecting fossil fuel wealth with the Supreme Court’s help, even though the base doesn’t understand the connection. Trump voters won’t realize they have done the bidding of the industry destroying their homes until it is too late."

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thank you Jon. an old friend just sent me a private email explaining that she'd rather not hear such distressing news, which I totally understand. she asked me why I'm contributing to the toxicity, which I also understand. the reality is that, personally, I've spent a lifetime wondering how hitler happened. ultimately I decided that while there were (and are) truly evil, tormented and cruel people, like trump, miller, Bannon et al, most people are mostly good, and truly care about other people and animals. as I see it, the good people of Germany did not fully understand what was happening until it was too late to stop. so if that's what's coming here, at least I'll know I tried, even with my tiny following.

keep fighting the good fight and I'll do the same. Sabrina

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Jul 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

I feel the same. I have to disagree with the idea that you're contributing to the toxicity. You're reporting what your eyes are seeing. If the world changes, I'm sure your writing would follow suit. Don't shoot the messenger.

I too want to know I doing something, anything really, to help shore up our coming undone. I think of 1930's Europe a lot - and what maybe could have been avoided. I want to know I tried. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't engage in some way, no matter how insignificant.

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Jul 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

Chevron Doctrine overturned: Mapping the deadly cost of Supreme Court Justices’ power grab. We analyzed the lives endangered when experts at agencies such as the FDA are overruled by MAGA activists justices.


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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Author

excellent work. would love to see a similar map of climate destruction. feel free to publish my article if it would interest your readers.

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Jul 12Liked by Sabrina Haake

It took 50 some of years to start to undo the harms from big tobacco. Elon should've been born 50 years ago! It's going to take another 50 years before our stupid government fully deploys the electric infrastructure needed to support the greed of our crapitalism (not a typo). The Cuyahoga River caught fire 13 times before Congress got off of it's ass and created the Clean Water Act which became the EPA the following year!

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it's really hard to believe where we are. Portugal, here I come!

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Great article, Sabrina. It is sickening to see commentators blaming exaggeration of Trump's danger as the reason for the assassination attempt. The danger is real, not only for democracy but for our very existence relating to climate change. Now things will only get worse and yes, Portugal is a good option, or Australia.

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Australia’s too hot for me. And yes it’s revolting to see JD Vance and Co. politicizing the assassination attempt and blaming Biden, despite a complete lack of evidence on what this kid shooter was into. Also revolting that the man who gleefully champions political violence is now gaslighting everyone on it, but we are. if we don’t address, climate change pretty soon, none of this shits going to matter anyway.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Sabrina Haake

Good column. Shared it. But many people won't know what "Chevron" is so headline doesn't work for a general audience.

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appreciate the feedback. and also that you shared it. I have a small but highly educated readership and assumed they knew what chevron was from all the press two weeks ago... maybe my bad headlines are why I don't have more free subscribers.

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Jul 13Liked by Sabrina Haake

Of interest as a side note only is the Radical Right and Religious Radicals obsession with "Consequences" -- mostly of sex, sexual orientation, birthing, being poor, being woke, or just plain being. Yet since humans have effectively doubled the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in just 100 years* -- compared with levels during the previous 10,000 years -- well, heck, what possible consequences could there be? (* And known of the dangers since the late 19th Century,)

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pretty sure maga is a malignancy infecting the national body, committed to killing its host like any other parasite

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Jul 13Liked by Sabrina Haake

Is there a term for having a death wish but not knowing you have a death wish? Or is that the real meaning of maga?

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MAGA's purpose is to glorify violence. That's why the crowd of sychophants cheered instantly as he was shot. They revel in the violence.

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The MAGA cult is a stage 4 carcioma for America.

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