Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

Follow the Money: Oil Barons, Corrupt Supreme Court Justices, crippled EPA to more hurricanes. Sabrina is right: Make oil billionaires pay for the damage they've caused.


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Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

Good point, Sabrina. But nothing will be done until the MAGA Supremes are tamed by dilution/court packing. ASIDES: Elizabeth Kolbert currently offers a superbly terrifying report in NewYorker titled "When the Ice Melts". And it might be worth watching the liability film "Thank You For Smoking". (Some professionals do have a moral core!)

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Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

You hit the nail on the head, Sabrina. What the fossil fuel companies have done goes far beyond misinformation and enters into the realm of criminal negligence, fraud & wreckless endangerment. Voters have to start scrutinizing their candidates much more closely, particularly Republicans. We have gone way past politicians endangering our lives, they are now actively killing those of us that lack the wealth to be deemed important enough to support them, in the manner to which they have grown accustomed. Vote 💙 up & down the ballot for large enough majorities to support passage of Voting Rights & the For the People Acts so the nation can finally start to heal from this GOP/billionaire abomination.

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Whole heartedly agree.

Great website for the latest information on the oil industry:


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Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

There's some gnarled cultural malignancy about perceptions of 'The Rich". I doubt the general populace will be able to understand just how corrupt, careless, selfish, and cruel "The Rich" are before drowning / starving / dehydrating / collapsing / burning / being impoverished / dying of the effects of the ceaseless greed of "The Rich"..

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Much to like here, dear Sabrina, but the entire responsibility for climate collapse are the INDIVIDUAL consumers of fossil fuels, not some pie-in-the-sky fossil fuel corporations. Econ. 101: supply and demand, so no demand, no supply because it's just not profitable. We can sit comfortably in our swivel chairs and blame away, but WE are the consumers of fossil fuel that WE are railing against. Have a blessed day! Gregg

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Thank you Gregg. Tobacco, silicone implants, even driving dangerous cars.... all represent a consumer choice, and a consumer's assumption of risk. fortunately, in the eyes of product liability and negligence law, that's not a complete defense to the manufacturers of those products. consumer assumption of risk may mitigate manufacturers' culpability, but not by much, because the vast majority of consumers did NOT know carbon was killing the planet, from 1960 to about 2000 or so. (debatable, and the degree to which the consuming public was aware would become part of the case, but as a defense lawyer I wouldn't spend much time developing it.) At a certain point, blaming the people who bought the product instead of the people who profited wildly from the product pisses off the jury. What makes this case so clear is that oil execs DID know, their hired scientists made them fully aware, and there's clear written documentation to prove their knowledge. Instead of sharing it, they consistently lied about it to the public. An active campaign to mislead the public, hiding scientific data, and actually lying about the data were all direct actions of the oil companies and their lobbyists, and they will eventually be held liable, whether it's in our lifetimes or not, it's coming and they know it. Another aggravating factor is that there are profitable alternatives- most oil conglomerates are fully invested in wind, solar and green energy, but they don't want to transition until they are happy with the ROI on their existing investments. So it's about greed, not necessity, and they need to pay for the damage they unleashed on the rest of us.

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Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

Few of us have the wear-with-all to initiate massive social change, except for on the margins. Good governance can establish positive social mega trends. One can only wonder what would have happened if the people hadn't been suckered then, by the Reagan GOP's greed-is-a-virtue and instead took Jimmy Carter's CO2 warnings seriously, all those decades ago. Now humanity reaps the whirlwind, for decades to come.

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Oct 11Liked by Sabrina Haake

Yes, Gregg, we all arrived on this planet as addicts to Carbon (and "self"). Reducing my carbon footprint is an ongoing duty — but collective action is needed by our social species if we are not to snuff the entire planet. (Adam Smith was writing about tiny enterprises of perhaps ten souls. Going "macro" with Econ 101 is rubbish.) So stop blaming us "Carbon babies" for Mother Earth's provision of resources. Hey, she gave us CONSCIOUSNESS (LOGOS: reason) , and we need to step up.

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The big corporations sell the product that taxpayers use in order to maintain a life like others around them. Who is responsible? Everybody who makes or uses fossil fuels. In other words everybody. Reduce the amount you use. Reduce the amount you produce. Get back to a life pace more commensurate with life.

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