I've been questioning some people I know who either voted for trump (and listen to fox tv) or didn't vote at all and asking them if they know who Mark Milley and or John Kelly is? Thus far, non of them have known or even heard of them, much less know how they said trump is a Facist and a danger to this country.
Most of the people who worked in trump's White House say that he isn't fit to be President. So I have been wondering how a twice Impeached, convicted criminal, rapist, traitor, crook, evil pig gets re-elected to office if it isn't for lies and misinformation.
We have the best economy in the past 60 years and yet people are told it isn't. Have they forgotten how trump raised taxes on everyone except the super rich and completly lied about covid. How people lost their jobs, businesses closed down, we were stuck at home. Nothing was open except hospitals and over a million Americans died and millions more got sick. All thanks to the lies of donald trump and fox like stations who spewed lies and misinformation.
Remember the long lines to get covid shots and groceries and all the empty shelves at the stores.
You couldn't got to work, school, church, movies, cruises, anywhere, because they were all closed up. And you are going tell me trump was great for the economy and things were so great and wonderful? Tell that to the people who died of covid and their loved ones or everyone who lost their jobs and homes.
that's a challenge for anyone seeking relief from the highly compromised, unethical, oligarch supporting Roberts court, as you know. the short answer is no. you do not have a personal and particularized injury from Citizens United that would withstand a standing dismissal from these partisan hacks. Even if we brought a nationwide class action for people injured by climate change (not addressed bc big oil funds political campaigns), this court would re-adopt CU. It’s what’s keeping their friends in power.
Mencken said this 100 years ago! Talk about foretelling the future.
I have know of this quote for many years, but until 2016 it never seemed appropriate. Having assumed the American voter learned their lesson in 2016, I though the 2016 election was just a fluke. Now we know better.
The other most appropriate quote, whether it came from Sinclair Lewis or someone else, that said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”, could not be more appropriate for the rise of Christian Nationalism.
I really think we need to legally challenge the disinformation from musk and fox in the courts. there are some friendly federal courts, some not. ultimately the question will get to the Supreme Court, and the Roberts court is no friend, but they may be willing to put some brackets around how far musk and fox can go. my sense is that they are committed to free speech, and to allowing the promotion of hate speech, but that there's a limit. anyone familiar w 1st A jurisprudence understands that unfettered monopolization of the news and social media will eventually backfire and curtail the free exchange of ideas. I don't propose disallowing hate speech (unless it's fraud, supports assault, elicits violence, etc.), I propose some way to inform viewers/consumers that what they're reading is opinion and not fact. any news agency like fox and con should have to disclose pure opinion, and disclose the other side of whatever they're selling, or people will end up misinformed. (fox and musk's goal)
Thank you, Sabrina, for being an important part of my alternative media feed. I'm stunned that no-one has addressed the missing 14.4M voters this time around (13M Dems and 1.4M Repubs, compared with the 2020 turnout). Your thoughts? Critical thinking is missing from our school curricula and small liberal arts colleges, like my alma mater, Wittenberg, are failing, as IT is increasingly the ONLY subject worth paying attention to. I blame the small screen and character limited (anti-)social media of the "smart" phone. Maybe we'll all just need to start memorizing our favorite books, like "1984". Have a blessed day. Gregg
So, my dear Sabrina, my question to you is this: what the hell happened to 13M Dem votes that we counted in 2020 when Biden won with 7M more votes than Trump? I smell a rat, or at least I want to see an explanation in the mortibund MSM for where those voters disappeared to. Don't you?
I just took the number of votes for each candidate on CNN 2d. after the election and compared with the 2020 numbers. Sorry, can't do links. Wikipedia and many other sites have same numbers. Just Google search.
Gregg, I gave your blog a plug today, at mine. (You might consider making your site free, as Sabrina has done, as that might invite more activity.) ~eric.
The faceless numbers that handed Sir the election will learn what we already know: That Sir's policies are insensate to each and all but the ultra-rich, and that those who support Sir will join us each and all beneath the wheel.
Sorry, but disinformation AND Trump won. You may not want to acknowledge all the bigotry and misogyny that enabled the lies to land and breed so well, but that would be a big mistake. His whole shtick is based on belittling and dehumanizing women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community. Hate won. Stupidity won. Fascism won. I am sick and furious.
thanks Beth. I'm still reeling too. but Jesus, half the country didn't know Biden had dropped out. watching interviews, random and on the street in LA from Wednesday, no one knew the election was the day before. people really haven't been paying attention, which could itself reflect ignorance, but I'm not sure it reflects anything nefarious. agreed there are hateful racist misogynists throughout the GOP, but disagree it's even half. could I be wrong? yes, it happens.
Hmm, well, there are the hateful racist/misogynist/fascists and then there are the mild-mannered, distracted, disinterested ones. Those are the ones who'd "vote for a woman, just not THAT woman," the ones who "have friends who are black/brown/gay" but don't have a problem supporting a candidate whose stated goals will be deeply injurious to non-white, non heteronormative folk. I agree with you that the hateful ones are a (loud) minority. But they are driving the bus. The distracted ones are along for the ride, and the others: under the bus.
Between Fox, Sinclair, and the right leaning whataboutism sanewashing by the MSM most of the information the average person is exposed to is lies and hysteria. Murdoch and Fox need to be sued every time they defame someone like Dominion did. We need some of the left supporting billionaires to put Fox out of business and get Murdoch deported. Musk is now a right wing politician so his SpaceX contracts need to be terminated. Talking to Putin makes him a security risk and may be illegal.
Your side are the fascists. Your side rules the roost. Your side cancels people and smears people with outrageous slurs when they have a different opinion to you. But the quiet Americans have spoken and said 'no more.' Standing up to their bullies. Like a dog on a chain, they refuse to be chained up no more. Hallelulah.
The simple basic shock of going to the grocery store ...
Looking into your cart, as you walk up to the grocery checkout lane, causing painful realizations of all the things your children wanted ... that you could not afford because of Biden's highly INFLATED prices ...
Walking out of the store with pitifully small bags ... bags that are noticeably SMALLER than EVER ... in your whole life ...
Realizing the disappointed faces of your kids ... that you're going to have to face ... as they go to bed hungry ... malnourished ... facing lifetime mental disabilities from years of chronic malnutrition
... a lifetime of lower IQ's ... due to Biden-Harris' worst ever deficits ... Biden-Harris overprinting a whopping worst ever $8 TRILLION paper dollars .... as 50% of Public School kids have been malnourished under Biden-Harris ... missing meals every week ... going to bed hungry some nights every week ...
and as you leave the store with TOO SMALL BAGS .... you already hear the plaintive requests of their little voices asking ... " Why ... "
How do you explain ...
"Honey, prices are so much higher now ... due to wicked 22% Biden-Harris inflation ... Inflation so high that it far far outstripped Biden-Harris' wage increases of 4% .."
"Honey, Biden-Harris & the elites TRUMPET .... "There's just 2% inflation, NOW." ... yet, prices are ~already~ Way-too-HIGH from USA's worst Wealth Inequality in the First World ... "
" because of Obama-Biden's 4'th biggest ever 2010 PERMANENT tax giveaways to the wealthy & Big Corporations, ... plus Obama-Biden's 5'th biggest ever 2013 PERMANENT tax giveaways to the wealthy & Big Corporations, ... were much larger than Trump's 7'th place 2018 TEMPORARY tax cuts ... "
" Honey, it's all because America's wealthiest realized THEY were the Washington Dem Elite's priority. ... Because those wealthiest American's were 9 out of 10 of Joe Biden's top donors .... and mega-Wall Street Banks were 5 out of 6 Hillary's top donors."
"Honey, our Dem elite OWED their Mega-Donors big-time... "
"Honey ... MONEY equals power ... and we don't have much of either in our family ... nor in our community "
"and Honey ... Biden-Harris mega-funding of the Wars in Ukraine and Gaza ... & Lebanon ... are SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than our problems of not enough food on the table ... or the problems of YOU & your sister going to bed , HUNGRY ... "
The real "WOKE" ?
... Is it finally time ... to learn from the American workers' vote totals in the last 3 elections ... as we can't even beat an openly vicious ... cruel ... crazed ... 34X convicted felon ... ?
Where do you live? I don't notice any of this. If you know how to shop and cook, you shouldn't be experiencing any of this. And my husband and I are retired and living on Social Security in the Bay Area.
We have very affluent areas, like the Bay Area, but next door we also have lots of what used to be Middle Class, but are now working poor.
It's nice that you own your own home ... Most people don't (they rent, or the Bank owns it due to large mortgage loan balanced).
2 out of 3 Americans cannot afford tires for the car, according to Biden's own Census Data.
You may not notice .... but 210 Milllion Americans (out of 330) LIVE with these grinding problems every day DO NOTICE ... which is why Kamala LOST so badly ... and why elite Dems LOST so badly nationwide,
Harris lost by 1.8% of the vote. if you call that "so badly," carry on, and enjoy Trump's tariffs. He's such a moron he doesn't even know how they work. But by all means, let's show the elites by electing an idiot and endorse his idiot whack job cabinet.
I understand that Colorado is pretty successful, but remember, California is the fourth largest economy in the world, and the nine Bay Area counties are the seventeenth largest economy in the world. We never had a high or even median income, and when we bought our house (a foreclosure) in 1992, we paid 9 3/4 interest. But we were extremely thrifty. I almost always took the bus to work (working in the city means you have to, since driving is so expensive (bridge toll, parking etc.) We never went out to dinner or to movies. I took peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day. If people thought they would get better lives under Trump, they can't analyze their problems and the solutions to them. The Republicans are only the solutions for the wealthy. They don't care about people who can't afford tires. I can't help them.
Elite Dems can now do a little introspection to recognize their years of plans & policies that have FAILED 2 out of 3 ordinary Americans (who cannot afford tires for their car) ...
or... Elite Dems can stay in denial .... and keep blaming everyone else,
Despite your personally judgy & critical comments, I have been shopping & cooking for just over 60 years.
And ... your personal experiences apparently are neither similar to, nor comparable to 2 out of 3 Americans.
It's GREAT that you have the big MONETARY blessings of having other people pay for a lifetime of your Mass Transportation that's subsidized by all the people who never used it.
It's GREAT that you never had to buy a vehicle, to get to work .... like the great unwashed 97% of of the rest of us.
"In 2022, 3.1% of Americans used public transportation to commute to work, "
Reality ... really is quite distant from elite Dems ... versus the 67% rest of us.
as Biden's WORST EVER 2.5X massive jump in Child Poverty ... was hard on over 150 MILLION Americans ...
and Biden's cumulative 24% inflation on our basic food & housing costs ... was awful, compared to his paltry 4% wage growth ...
Biden-Kamala inherited the LOWEST EVER Child Poverty rates of just 5.2% from Trump ... yet in just 2 short years ... Child Povery SPIKED UP Worst Ever to 12.4% in 2023
... as Biden-Kamala did nothing...
Biden-Kamala's pushing our Mega Military Spending up over $1 TRILLION before the Ukraine war .. . as Biden Kamala spent just $0.11 Trillion on helping the poor & elderly ... is ghastly ...
Biden-Kamala's economy was GREAT for affluent people ... but HORRIBLE for working people ... where 210 MILLION Americans (67%) were knocked out of the Middle Class - could not afford tires for the car .... is HORRIBLE ...
Biden-Kamala's horrrible health care policy changes in April 2023, have kicked over 22 million working poor people OUT OF HEALTHCARE since then ... as Biden-Kamala did nothing .
Biden-Kamala gleefully spend over 62% of our tax dollars on WAR & Mega Military spending ... to murder over 35,000 innocent kids & Moms ...
Biden-Kamala's policies of ending School lunches for the working poor kids, was CRUEL ... as over 50% of US Public School Children went HUNGRY ... chronically malnourished every week ... suffering permanent Cognitive Disabilites for life ... due to chronic malnutrition ...
as Biden-Kamala offered only excuses ... doing nothing ...
How does anyone with a heart ... and a conscience ... decide ... which is MORE Evil ... which is MORE Wretched ... when BOTH are Racing to the Bottom ...
We desperately NEED NEW LEADERS ...
and yes... ALL these facts & $$$ reports come straight from Biden White House official reports.
Nowhere in your data does it assign blame for anything to Biden-Kamala (and stop being so sexist and show a little respect- it's Biden-Harris).
210 million people couldn't afford tires for their cars?? There aren't 210 million people old enough to drive. Most of this drivel you write is in the control of the Senate/House not the executive branch. Fox-faxts aren't. Get a clue.
Totally agree.
I've been questioning some people I know who either voted for trump (and listen to fox tv) or didn't vote at all and asking them if they know who Mark Milley and or John Kelly is? Thus far, non of them have known or even heard of them, much less know how they said trump is a Facist and a danger to this country.
Most of the people who worked in trump's White House say that he isn't fit to be President. So I have been wondering how a twice Impeached, convicted criminal, rapist, traitor, crook, evil pig gets re-elected to office if it isn't for lies and misinformation.
We have the best economy in the past 60 years and yet people are told it isn't. Have they forgotten how trump raised taxes on everyone except the super rich and completly lied about covid. How people lost their jobs, businesses closed down, we were stuck at home. Nothing was open except hospitals and over a million Americans died and millions more got sick. All thanks to the lies of donald trump and fox like stations who spewed lies and misinformation.
Remember the long lines to get covid shots and groceries and all the empty shelves at the stores.
You couldn't got to work, school, church, movies, cruises, anywhere, because they were all closed up. And you are going tell me trump was great for the economy and things were so great and wonderful? Tell that to the people who died of covid and their loved ones or everyone who lost their jobs and homes.
Misinformation, misinformation, misinformation.
"...an un-informed public cannot sustain a freely elected democracy." And there you have it.
And also, let's not forget about Citizens United. Do I have standing, Sabrina?
that's a challenge for anyone seeking relief from the highly compromised, unethical, oligarch supporting Roberts court, as you know. the short answer is no. you do not have a personal and particularized injury from Citizens United that would withstand a standing dismissal from these partisan hacks. Even if we brought a nationwide class action for people injured by climate change (not addressed bc big oil funds political campaigns), this court would re-adopt CU. It’s what’s keeping their friends in power.
Thank you, Sabrina, an excellent essay.
thank you and thank you for reading.
When people get most of their news from social media, we’re in a hell of a mess! There susceptibility to lies becomes “The Problem!”
Mencken said this 100 years ago! Talk about foretelling the future.
omg portentious but also funny
I have know of this quote for many years, but until 2016 it never seemed appropriate. Having assumed the American voter learned their lesson in 2016, I though the 2016 election was just a fluke. Now we know better.
The other most appropriate quote, whether it came from Sinclair Lewis or someone else, that said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”, could not be more appropriate for the rise of Christian Nationalism.
Spot on, again, Sabrina. How do we address this damaging propaganda machine?
I really think we need to legally challenge the disinformation from musk and fox in the courts. there are some friendly federal courts, some not. ultimately the question will get to the Supreme Court, and the Roberts court is no friend, but they may be willing to put some brackets around how far musk and fox can go. my sense is that they are committed to free speech, and to allowing the promotion of hate speech, but that there's a limit. anyone familiar w 1st A jurisprudence understands that unfettered monopolization of the news and social media will eventually backfire and curtail the free exchange of ideas. I don't propose disallowing hate speech (unless it's fraud, supports assault, elicits violence, etc.), I propose some way to inform viewers/consumers that what they're reading is opinion and not fact. any news agency like fox and con should have to disclose pure opinion, and disclose the other side of whatever they're selling, or people will end up misinformed. (fox and musk's goal)
Thank you, Sabrina, for being an important part of my alternative media feed. I'm stunned that no-one has addressed the missing 14.4M voters this time around (13M Dems and 1.4M Repubs, compared with the 2020 turnout). Your thoughts? Critical thinking is missing from our school curricula and small liberal arts colleges, like my alma mater, Wittenberg, are failing, as IT is increasingly the ONLY subject worth paying attention to. I blame the small screen and character limited (anti-)social media of the "smart" phone. Maybe we'll all just need to start memorizing our favorite books, like "1984". Have a blessed day. Gregg
thanks- do you have a link or reference for the 14.4m voters?
Latest numbers from CNN: Harris: 69.1 vs Trump 73.5, vs 2020: Biden 81M vs Trump 74M. So, the Dems didn't show, but MAGATS did.
So, my dear Sabrina, my question to you is this: what the hell happened to 13M Dem votes that we counted in 2020 when Biden won with 7M more votes than Trump? I smell a rat, or at least I want to see an explanation in the mortibund MSM for where those voters disappeared to. Don't you?
I just took the number of votes for each candidate on CNN 2d. after the election and compared with the 2020 numbers. Sorry, can't do links. Wikipedia and many other sites have same numbers. Just Google search.
Gregg, I gave your blog a plug today, at mine. (You might consider making your site free, as Sabrina has done, as that might invite more activity.) ~eric.
Thanks for that, Eric. "Greeley's newsletter" is free, as far as I know. Thanks for the plug.
The faceless numbers that handed Sir the election will learn what we already know: That Sir's policies are insensate to each and all but the ultra-rich, and that those who support Sir will join us each and all beneath the wheel.
Spot on!
Sorry, but disinformation AND Trump won. You may not want to acknowledge all the bigotry and misogyny that enabled the lies to land and breed so well, but that would be a big mistake. His whole shtick is based on belittling and dehumanizing women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community. Hate won. Stupidity won. Fascism won. I am sick and furious.
thanks Beth. I'm still reeling too. but Jesus, half the country didn't know Biden had dropped out. watching interviews, random and on the street in LA from Wednesday, no one knew the election was the day before. people really haven't been paying attention, which could itself reflect ignorance, but I'm not sure it reflects anything nefarious. agreed there are hateful racist misogynists throughout the GOP, but disagree it's even half. could I be wrong? yes, it happens.
Hmm, well, there are the hateful racist/misogynist/fascists and then there are the mild-mannered, distracted, disinterested ones. Those are the ones who'd "vote for a woman, just not THAT woman," the ones who "have friends who are black/brown/gay" but don't have a problem supporting a candidate whose stated goals will be deeply injurious to non-white, non heteronormative folk. I agree with you that the hateful ones are a (loud) minority. But they are driving the bus. The distracted ones are along for the ride, and the others: under the bus.
Well put.
Between Fox, Sinclair, and the right leaning whataboutism sanewashing by the MSM most of the information the average person is exposed to is lies and hysteria. Murdoch and Fox need to be sued every time they defame someone like Dominion did. We need some of the left supporting billionaires to put Fox out of business and get Murdoch deported. Musk is now a right wing politician so his SpaceX contracts need to be terminated. Talking to Putin makes him a security risk and may be illegal.
Your side are the fascists. Your side rules the roost. Your side cancels people and smears people with outrageous slurs when they have a different opinion to you. But the quiet Americans have spoken and said 'no more.' Standing up to their bullies. Like a dog on a chain, they refuse to be chained up no more. Hallelulah.
HILARIOUS ... While the number of words written, increases the facts...
along with writing in complete, intelligible sentences.
Poor ideas go hand-in-hand ... with really dismal grammar ...
& incomplete sentences.
If we're going to improve the laws, we better get it done before Jan 6, because after that, we will be a Russian colony undervRussisn whimsey.
Yes, it essentially will be a Neo-Nazi/Neo-USSR satellite country- !!! 🤮
Can we Deport all these Russian Fascist morons back to Moscow, already?!!...
Wow ...
The elites just don't get it.
The simple basic shock of going to the grocery store ...
Looking into your cart, as you walk up to the grocery checkout lane, causing painful realizations of all the things your children wanted ... that you could not afford because of Biden's highly INFLATED prices ...
Walking out of the store with pitifully small bags ... bags that are noticeably SMALLER than EVER ... in your whole life ...
Realizing the disappointed faces of your kids ... that you're going to have to face ... as they go to bed hungry ... malnourished ... facing lifetime mental disabilities from years of chronic malnutrition
... a lifetime of lower IQ's ... due to Biden-Harris' worst ever deficits ... Biden-Harris overprinting a whopping worst ever $8 TRILLION paper dollars .... as 50% of Public School kids have been malnourished under Biden-Harris ... missing meals every week ... going to bed hungry some nights every week ...
and as you leave the store with TOO SMALL BAGS .... you already hear the plaintive requests of their little voices asking ... " Why ... "
How do you explain ...
"Honey, prices are so much higher now ... due to wicked 22% Biden-Harris inflation ... Inflation so high that it far far outstripped Biden-Harris' wage increases of 4% .."
"Honey, Biden-Harris & the elites TRUMPET .... "There's just 2% inflation, NOW." ... yet, prices are ~already~ Way-too-HIGH from USA's worst Wealth Inequality in the First World ... "
" because of Obama-Biden's 4'th biggest ever 2010 PERMANENT tax giveaways to the wealthy & Big Corporations, ... plus Obama-Biden's 5'th biggest ever 2013 PERMANENT tax giveaways to the wealthy & Big Corporations, ... were much larger than Trump's 7'th place 2018 TEMPORARY tax cuts ... "
" Honey, it's all because America's wealthiest realized THEY were the Washington Dem Elite's priority. ... Because those wealthiest American's were 9 out of 10 of Joe Biden's top donors .... and mega-Wall Street Banks were 5 out of 6 Hillary's top donors."
"Honey, our Dem elite OWED their Mega-Donors big-time... "
"Honey ... MONEY equals power ... and we don't have much of either in our family ... nor in our community "
"and Honey ... Biden-Harris mega-funding of the Wars in Ukraine and Gaza ... & Lebanon ... are SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than our problems of not enough food on the table ... or the problems of YOU & your sister going to bed , HUNGRY ... "
The real "WOKE" ?
... Is it finally time ... to learn from the American workers' vote totals in the last 3 elections ... as we can't even beat an openly vicious ... cruel ... crazed ... 34X convicted felon ... ?
Where do you live? I don't notice any of this. If you know how to shop and cook, you shouldn't be experiencing any of this. And my husband and I are retired and living on Social Security in the Bay Area.
We live in Colorado.
We have very affluent areas, like the Bay Area, but next door we also have lots of what used to be Middle Class, but are now working poor.
It's nice that you own your own home ... Most people don't (they rent, or the Bank owns it due to large mortgage loan balanced).
2 out of 3 Americans cannot afford tires for the car, according to Biden's own Census Data.
You may not notice .... but 210 Milllion Americans (out of 330) LIVE with these grinding problems every day DO NOTICE ... which is why Kamala LOST so badly ... and why elite Dems LOST so badly nationwide,
Harris lost by 1.8% of the vote. if you call that "so badly," carry on, and enjoy Trump's tariffs. He's such a moron he doesn't even know how they work. But by all means, let's show the elites by electing an idiot and endorse his idiot whack job cabinet.
Harris LOST by over 2.5 MILLION votes.
Harris LOST ALL the vaunted BLUE WALL states.
Harris LOST by a pitiful 226 Electoral Votes ... versus 312 Electoral Votes for Trump.
When you lose the Electoral College by a FULL 38% ... THAT's a REAL LOSS ...
... a BAD loss ...
It's time for ordinay Dems to WAKE UP ... and take their Party BACK from the bumbling-Elites.
9 years of Denial ... & continuing to blame everyone else for our HUGE problems ... is just lame ...
and oh so very ineffective ....
I understand that Colorado is pretty successful, but remember, California is the fourth largest economy in the world, and the nine Bay Area counties are the seventeenth largest economy in the world. We never had a high or even median income, and when we bought our house (a foreclosure) in 1992, we paid 9 3/4 interest. But we were extremely thrifty. I almost always took the bus to work (working in the city means you have to, since driving is so expensive (bridge toll, parking etc.) We never went out to dinner or to movies. I took peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day. If people thought they would get better lives under Trump, they can't analyze their problems and the solutions to them. The Republicans are only the solutions for the wealthy. They don't care about people who can't afford tires. I can't help them.
The voters spoke ...
and Elite Dems LOST ... nationwide ...
Elite Dems can now do a little introspection to recognize their years of plans & policies that have FAILED 2 out of 3 ordinary Americans (who cannot afford tires for their car) ...
or... Elite Dems can stay in denial .... and keep blaming everyone else,
rather than cleaning up their act .
Good for you.
Despite your personally judgy & critical comments, I have been shopping & cooking for just over 60 years.
And ... your personal experiences apparently are neither similar to, nor comparable to 2 out of 3 Americans.
It's GREAT that you have the big MONETARY blessings of having other people pay for a lifetime of your Mass Transportation that's subsidized by all the people who never used it.
It's GREAT that you never had to buy a vehicle, to get to work .... like the great unwashed 97% of of the rest of us.
"In 2022, 3.1% of Americans used public transportation to commute to work, "
Reality ... really is quite distant from elite Dems ... versus the 67% rest of us.
as Biden's WORST EVER 2.5X massive jump in Child Poverty ... was hard on over 150 MILLION Americans ...
and Biden's cumulative 24% inflation on our basic food & housing costs ... was awful, compared to his paltry 4% wage growth ...
Follow the Money ... Money talks ... BS walks ...
Dr. Steven M. Fry
FoxFaxts aren't.
You rant lie but truth isn't based on the number of words written.
Go with reality.
I used only offficial Biden White House reports' data, Census Data, and Congressional Budget Office reports ... which were reported on PBS & NPR .
When individuals have to devolve to childish name calling ... it shows they have no facts ... nor valid ideas.
Yes ... Trump says and does absolutely AWFUL things.
Yet ... Biden-Kamala's 2½X higher Child Poverty rates ... are awful ...
as they did nothing.
Biden-Kamala inherited the LOWEST EVER Child Poverty rates of just 5.2% from Trump ... yet in just 2 short years ... Child Povery SPIKED UP Worst Ever to 12.4% in 2023
... as Biden-Kamala did nothing...
Biden-Kamala's pushing our Mega Military Spending up over $1 TRILLION before the Ukraine war .. . as Biden Kamala spent just $0.11 Trillion on helping the poor & elderly ... is ghastly ...
Biden-Kamala's economy was GREAT for affluent people ... but HORRIBLE for working people ... where 210 MILLION Americans (67%) were knocked out of the Middle Class - could not afford tires for the car .... is HORRIBLE ...
Biden-Kamala's horrrible health care policy changes in April 2023, have kicked over 22 million working poor people OUT OF HEALTHCARE since then ... as Biden-Kamala did nothing .
Biden-Kamala gleefully spend over 62% of our tax dollars on WAR & Mega Military spending ... to murder over 35,000 innocent kids & Moms ...
Biden-Kamala's policies of ending School lunches for the working poor kids, was CRUEL ... as over 50% of US Public School Children went HUNGRY ... chronically malnourished every week ... suffering permanent Cognitive Disabilites for life ... due to chronic malnutrition ...
as Biden-Kamala offered only excuses ... doing nothing ...
How does anyone with a heart ... and a conscience ... decide ... which is MORE Evil ... which is MORE Wretched ... when BOTH are Racing to the Bottom ...
We desperately NEED NEW LEADERS ...
and yes... ALL these facts & $$$ reports come straight from Biden White House official reports.
Dr. Steven M. Fry
Nowhere in your data does it assign blame for anything to Biden-Kamala (and stop being so sexist and show a little respect- it's Biden-Harris).
210 million people couldn't afford tires for their cars?? There aren't 210 million people old enough to drive. Most of this drivel you write is in the control of the Senate/House not the executive branch. Fox-faxts aren't. Get a clue.