Like all deeply psychotic inmates in one of the many insane asylums (aka "State Hospitals" or "State Psychiatric Hospitals") I worked in over my 42 yr. career, Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald is delusional, grandiose, hyper-active, sleepless, and shows many of the features of a bipolar manic patient, but, also, those of someone else with a Borderline Personality Disorder, wherein he can drift into frank paranoid persecutory delusions. Where he is almost unique is in his charismatic hold on so many others, who vie for their shows of fealty, and monetary reward, however imagined and never realized.

Ultimately, of course, it's all about the money and a Minuchin-esque gamble to bathe in the government coffers and their endless spinoffs. As we have apparently raised a generation of soulless psychopaths, patriotism, such as we see in the D-Day memorials, is now passe' and the GQP is capitalizing on the maleability of the winner-take-all generation. Our DOJ is way too broken and incapable of bringing anyone but the innocent to "justice", as evidenced by a bona fide' coup leader thumbing his nose at Lady Liberty and hiding behind row after row of money hungry attorneys to delay, delay, delay, until hell freezes over solid or the planet goes up in flames, which ever comes first. Only those who did not have family members in the Civil War, or any other such murderous conflagration, could possibly desire a repeat, unless just another whacko seeking death by cop. Thanks for your thoughtful and well written essays!

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thank you. I fear it's mostly about money; Murdoch, Fox News, etc., have origins in big oil and most oligarchs stick together. their current coupling with the marginalized and disaffected poor sometimes seems unbeatable.

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Jun 8Liked by Sabrina Haake

Sabrina is dead-on accurate in her assessment here, as well as her proclamation:

"It is clear that the U.S. is under siege by illiberal forces, aided by a relentless propaganda machine committed to fomenting violence. My money is on the justice system, and on voters being smart enough to detect the ruse."

We are nothing but lucky to have this type of writing in this type of time.

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Thank you for the kind words.

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Jun 8Liked by Sabrina Haake

Thank you for the true words. Always.

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Jun 7Liked by Sabrina Haake

“A cabal of convicts”, indeed!

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Yes, sympathy for Melania. There was an article about Stormy offering her advice and they had pictures of the two of them side by side. It drove home that this could be a very sore spot in a relationship that's always seemed one sided. Also, Senator Raskin in the chamber hall reminded everyone that the affair happened right after their son was born. It wouldn't be surprising if there's more drama than usual inside the Trump house between the couple than the public's allowed to know.

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I think of weaponized ignorance as a forever kind of thing. It's never not been true. The victims long for those who will reinforce their beliefs and tell them what they want to hear. We literally beg to be lied to. I also think we're cowards. We turn against the weakest links, and rarely against the real culprits who reside in the towers of power.

Everyone wants to believe immigrants are the problem, when economists have mile high stacks of data saying immigrants are vital. Deep down we all know there is some truth to it. MAJOR sectors of our economy depend on illegal immigrants. Trump World is a good example. Kitchens, golf courses, and swimming pools. Hispanics everywhere. He has already been caught employing illegals. Yet, he can continue to preach hours long anti-immigrant sermons, and the U.S. Justice Department will not do a deep dive into his employment practices. Scores of other big companies are doing the same thing.

Illegals did not steal all the good jobs. The boys on Wall Street packed them off to China, India, Vietnam, and elsewhere in search of cheap labor and huge profits. They're still doing it.

Wal-Mart preached made-in-America for years, but became major purveyors of cheap foreign goods. AND, their anti-immigrant, anti-China customers can't buy the stuff fast enough!!!

Makes me re-ask the question posed by Aretha in her 1985 song, ''WHO'S ZOOMIN' WHO?''

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